Diane Lake [email protected]
District Chairman
Northeastern: Tracy Mueller [email protected]
Southeastern: Judy Keshner [email protected]
North Central: TBD Please contact State Chairman for assistance
South Central: Nada Walton [email protected]
Northwestern: Paulette Widmann
[email protected]
Southwestern: Bonnie Makarewicz [email protected]

“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.”
— Henry Ford
Putting The Pieces Together
Have you ever considered the importance of one piece of a puzzle – maybe the first piece or an edge piece? How about the last piece, the one that completes the puzzle? Think of how you feel as put each piece in its place. The first or edge piece sparks your interest to continue working on the puzzle. That last piece brings joy at the completion of the puzzle. But how do you feel about the missing piece? Probably, you feel disappointment, you might even be upset. How we view the puzzle is much like how we view our club and its members.
Think of your club like you think of a puzzle. The puzzle is not complete until all the pieces are in place and linked together. Each piece is different/unique – color, shape. Each club has its collection of unique pieces/members. No project is complete unless each member adds their uniqueness.
I came across this analogy and felt it can be applied to our members and clubs, written by Eva Harrison, RCDP, MCDI. She writes, “when asked recently to bring something to a business networking event, something that represented what my business did, I brought a jigsaw puzzle.”
The analogy of a team and a jigsaw puzzle is very powerful.
Here are my top 5 reasons why:
1. Each piece of a jigsaw puzzle is like one of your team members. A different shape from all the other pieces and with different needs. As a result, a good team leader will get to know their needs and treat each person differently based on their needs.
2. Each piece of a jigsaw forms part of the bigger picture. Like individuals in a team, the quicker the jigsaw pieces are put together, the quicker the reason they exist can be identified. The full picture develops as does the team, as each part/role each individual plays is identified.
3. Putting a jigsaw together requires patience, foresight and vision. In forming teams, the leader has a vision and with patience the team will reach this. Patience is required to try team members in different roles. Eventually the right role is found for each person, the role which will ensure the team succeeds.
4. Just like missing pieces in a jigsaw prevent the whole picture being developed, in a team a key skill may be missing to meet the team’s objectives. A good team leader continually reviews the skills of each team member and is always looking ahead for the future needs of the team and the skills that may be required.
5. Like any good jigsaw puzzle, there is great satisfaction when the final picture is created and in the same way working to develop the “perfect” is extremely satisfying.
But look out! Once a good jigsaw puzzle has been completed, as with a “perfect” team being formed, the best team leaders will be doing a constant review of their team to make sure the pieces aren’t lost or moved and that everything still fits together.
First impressions matter – Remember you are selling something of worth!
- INFORM – Provide each attendee with a packet of information, club brochure, calendar of meetings and events, GFWC brochure and a contact name, Also, include a club yearbook and newsletter.
- Send a thank you note to those attending and invite them to attend the next meeting.
- Consider assigning a mentor to a new member. Friendships are made quickly.
- Immediately make the new member feel that she can make a meaningful contribution to the club and also the community.
- It is so important to stay connected with your members with an email or a phone call or a cheery note if they miss a meeting.
- Happy, involved members who are part of a well-run club where members input is valued, and their efforts are appreciated will be part of our organization for a long time.
- Consider having a New Member or orientation.
The first step is to get the community women to attend a club meeting/event.
Are you selling something of worth; worth their time and worthwhile to the community? Be a PROUD and ENTHUSIASTIC saleswomen!
This year my challenge, again, is to recruit 69 new members. How might we attempt to accomplish this task?
- A personal invitation to a friend or acquaintance
- Ask each member to bring 1 guest to a meeting
- Activities as “Meet and Greet”, “Pot Luck Dinners”, “Wine and Cheese Parties”, “Ice Cream Socials”, “Game Nights”
- Invite guests that have attended your fundraisers
- Invite new residents to your community
- Invite former members to rejoin your club
- Be creative – consult your members
Be sure that your meeting/event is interesting, entertaining and fun.
Membership Focus – “Be in the Game!”
All of those roles were important to your club and they have guided you to this point in your club’s history. Now it is time to put down the clipboard and pompoms and get in the game! Your club needs YOUR skills to bring in new members to your organization. We can all use more helping hands for our community service projects.

Your Unity in Diversity Team is in tip top shape and ready for a season of great plays! So don’t be on the sidelines or up in the booth or watching in the stands.
The Focus for the Membership Team is to contact every membership club and/or county chairman in Pennsylvania.
This chairman or your district chairman will call you to discuss any membership questions, concerns or successes you have achieve with membership.
We will offer our ear to gather information and then your state membership team will huddle to work out a strategy for your club to gain new members.
We will also offer suggestions to keep your “team” together so you can score the goals your club has set forth for this administration.
While you are conducting your “pre-season workouts”, we have a great tool for you to utilize. GFWC Membership Grants. These grants are available to clubs to assist with the recruitment efforts. Funds are designated each GFWC fiscal year beginning July 1 and ending June 30 to help underwrite membership recruiting and rebuilding in your community. GFWC offers $50 for club member recruitment programs. You must return the application form to GFWC Headquarters at least 45 days prior to your event. You must be the club president or membership chairman to apply for the grant. On the grant application you will explain your recruiting strategy, activities you will use to achieve your goal, and an outline of the budget for your event. (Food, marketing materials, venue, supplies, etc.) GFWC will award a maximum of one grant per club per GFWC fiscal year. The grant awardees will be notified on the following dates:
Notify fall winners and distribute grant funds: September
Notify winter winners and distribute grant funds: December
Notify spring winners and distribute grant funds: March
Notify summer winners and distribute grant funds: June
We will continue the work of the previous administration by celebrating your club members’ successes with the Star Recruitment Pins.
Focus on Retention – June, July and August
Focus on Recruitment – September, October and November
Focus on Mentoring – December, January and February
Focus on Recognition – March, April and May
Each Other
Regardless Of
Talents Or

Think Outside The Box
Local sports organizations are a great way to maximize your audience to talk about GFWC and potentially gain new members. Look for partnering opportunities with other organizations. Make contact. Tell them who we are, what we do for the community and how partnering can benefit both organizations.
The future of a club depends on its ability to maintain and increase its membership. Invite at least one prospective member to a meeting or club event, distribute a GFWC/club brochure to a prospective member or distribute in a place of business for clients/customers to pick it up, participate in planning a membership recruitment activity.
At the first meeting of the club year, it is always fun to find out what everyone did or went during the club’s summer break.
After a long summer break, introductions may be needed to help “refresh” our memories of members’ name. Have each member introduce herself and answer a question with a “short” reply, i.e. “Where did you go this summer?”
Or what special day you or your family celebrated this past summer.
Milestone Wedding Anniversary, a new Grand Child, a new Great Grand Child, something special in your life.
“Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.”
— Helen Keller
Join a Club Near You
Reach out to our membership chairman for help finding a club near you.
For general inquiries, contact Headquarters below or the Chairman of a specific program or advancement area.
1301 Allegheny Street, Suite 119
Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
T: 814-317-6489
[email protected]