Communications, Public Relations, & Social Media

During the past “challenging” year, GFWC clubs continued to keep information visible to members and the community. Projects were promoted and funds raised.

We need to continue to promote ourselves in the future. Partner with one of the other committees in your club such as Membership.  Throughout the Summer, post articles to introduce the officers of your club telling of their club experience and areas of focus in the coming year (without revealing any personal information).  Post articles about members and their contributions to your club and the community. Ask the member to do a sentence or two about themselves. This will keep GFWC and your club in mind. Facebook is a good platform to do this.

Other information that can be shared is the new Arts contest including the STEM bookmark as well as other Community Service Programs. Talk about what your club is doing and how the community can help and is being helped by your projects. Be sure to include club contact information with the article so that if someone finds an area of interest, they can contact your club.

If your club has a website, you can direct the reader of your article to go there. You can go into more detail about club programs and projects on the website. Remember to keep your information up to date. List upcoming club meeting dates and speakers also. A certain speaker may spark someone’s interest so they will want to attend the meeting. Be sure to welcome them and introduce them at the meeting.

Being in view on social media works. In June a request was received through the GFWC Pennsylvania Facebook page by a woman who had just moved to Pennsylvania from California. She had been in a GFWC club in California and was looking for a club in Pennsylvania so that she could make new friends in this area. Her request for information was answered right away. Her information was forwarded to potential clubs in her area. Contact was made and the woman was invited to join one of our clubs. This is how Facebook is supposed to work!

Staying Connected

The 2022-2024 administration will continue “Photo Friday” for our social media page on Facebook.  We will promote the positive aspects of GFWC and GFWC PA by posting a picture and/or article each week highlighting a community service project, a fundraiser, an accomplishment of your club or club member, an award presented to a student or an upcoming club event.

Please send your pictures  or video posts by email to Dena Hughes at  Remember to note who is in the picture, what the occasion is and when it happened or will take place.

Remember, connectivity has its advantages!!

You are already aware of the many outlets available to STAY CONNECTED, in touch and up-to-date. Some of those outlets have become second nature to those of us who carry smart phones, use iPads or computers. Whatever form of communication you wish to use, always keep in mind that STAYING CONNECTED and up-to-date with GFWC and GFWC PA is essential to the success of your club and to you as a clubwoman.










Press Releases

News media

Great Photos


GFWC Club Manual

GFWC Branding

GFWC Stylebook

GFWC Emblems/Logos

GFWC Boilerplate

Ways To Stay Connected


Our website features easy navigation and provides direct links to access existing GFWC Pennsylvania club websites. This will make it a breeze for potential new members to find a local GFWC PA club. Information regarding projects and programs, our GFWC PA Clubwoman Newsletter, forms, announcements, and Member’s Only page will continue to be accessible on the website. The website will continue to be updated to improve our online presence and spread the word of the wonderful things GFWC does. 

Social Media

FACEBOOK continues to be the number one social media outlet of GFWC and GFWC Pennsylvania. If you haven’t already, please LIKE our Facebook page. Remember to follow along liking and sharing posts that interest you.

This chairman’s goal is to occasionally share your club’s Facebook posts to our GFWC Pennsylvania page. Sharing your events and projects helps to spread the word about all that GFWC Pennsylvania has to offer.

If you already have a PINTEREST or TWITTER account, consider following GFWC and GFWC Pennsylvania! Liking and sharing works the same as Facebook with these APPS as well – it gets our name in front of more people and familiarizes your friends and contacts with our organization as well as your own. 

GFWC PA Clubwoman Newsletter

STAY CONNECTED with GFWC Pennsylvania by reading your quarterly issue of the GFWC PA CLUBWOMAN NEWSLETTER. Tina Warholic, our 2020-2022 GFWC Pennsylvania Clubwoman Editor, will provide information about submitting photos, articles and paid ads.

GFWC's News & Notes

NEWS & NOTES is a free electronic communique from GFWC. When subscribed, you will receive a copy of this newsletter every Thursday directly from GFWC to your personal email account. How impressive is that?

To sign up, go to GFWC’s home page of the website ( and scroll to the bottom of the page where you will find “Sign up for News & Notes;”

GFWC Clubwoman Magazine

If you love GFWC do yourself a favor and subscribe to GFWC’s CLUBWOMAN MAGAZINE. Published bi-monthly – 6 times per year – it’s a beautifully done, highly useful publication mailed directly to your home or office. For the subscription price of only $12 annually you will STAY CONNECTED with all things GFWC.

To subscribe on-line visit the Marketplace or call 800-443-4392. Trust me, after perusing a copy of the magazine you will be inspired to share your club’s successful event or out-reach program — no worries because submitting articles to this publication is a piece of cake!

Volunteers in Action articles from local clubs can be submitted to the magazine via email (150-200 word limit). Simply email your digital files to and be sure to include as much information as possible.

Submitting photos: When it comes to file size, bigger is always better. Web and print utilize different optimal resolutions (72 dpi for web, 300 dpi for print). You can always size down, but you can’t size up without affect-ing image quality. As a rule of thumb, always submit your images at the highest resolution and file size possible. Can things get any easier?

Make The Connection

Communicate your club’s goals, projects, and accomplishments.

Create an online presence with an up-to-date website and active social media accounts.

Get to know the contact person responsible for club & community news for your local newspapers & other news outlets. Consider inviting them to a club meeting.

A press release is the best way to share information with the media about an event, CSP, or an upcoming fundraiser.

GFWC PA clubwomen are making a significant impact on our communities, not just locally, but Internationally as well.


“Social media is not a media. The key is to listen, engage, and build relationships.”

– David Alston

Join a Club Near You

Reach out to our membership chairman for help finding a club near you.

For general inquiries, contact Headquarters below or the Chairman of a specific program or advancement area.

GFWC Pennsylvania Headquarters

1301 Allegheny Street, Suite 119
Hollidaysburg, PA 16648

T: 814-317-6489

Membership Chairman

Tracy Mueller


GFWC Headquarters

1734 N Street, NW
Washington, DC  20036

T:  202-347-3168
F:  202-835-0246