Education & Libraries CSP
Judy Schwambach [email protected]
Education & Libraries CSP
Working with Schools
Contact your local school district now to find creative ways to help schools in this time of great need!
Education is important and fundamental. Establish a scholarship; advocate and assist children and adults with special needs; support schools, educators and students with donations; partner with local PTA/PTO associations; assist GED candidates by tutoring or establishing a fund to pay for tests and/or babysitting; advocate and support STEM for Her in local schools; or promote DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) Day on April 12th. These are just a few examples of what can be done in education and libraries.
Other sources of information include:
- I Love Libraries website: ilovelibraries.org
- Banned Book Week website: bannedbooksweek.org
- American Library Association website: ala.org
- Books for Babies, United for libraries under ala.org website
- 1000 Books Before Kindergarten website: 1000booksbeforekindergarten.org
Working with Libraries
Libraries provide:
- Books, newspapers and magazines
- Videos, audio books and e-books
- Children’s library and activities
- Adult activities such as knitting group and game night
- Computer/internet access
- Language lessons
- Gardening advice
- A music library
- Reference materials
- GED information and materials
- Community meeting rooms
What clubs can do:
- Encourage members to get a library card and use it.
- Encourage members to join Friends of the Library.
- Support fund raisers such as dine outs, auctions and book sales.
- Read to children at the library.
- Volunteer at the library for book sales, etc.
- Donate books for the book sales.
- Donate money to the GFWC Library Fund.
- Donate books to a library in need, a little library or to a Head Start program.
- Find out what the library does with books not sold at the book sale. If they just get rid of them, find out if your club can take them and then give them to a place in need. Use these books to start a library at a laundromat for example.
Projects and activities:
- Host a book shower for a shelter with adult and children’s books.
- Donate a bookshelf and books to new Habitat for Humanity homes.
- Donate books of diversity to schools, children’s hospitals and other sites.
- Create themed early literacy kits.
- Assemble a “Books for Babies Basket” for new babies in the community.
- Establish or support an existing service to deliver books to homebound library patrons.
- Celebrate Library Card Sign Up Month in September with an event such as a Fall for Books Funfest for children with games, face painting, prizes and a library card sign-up table.
- Hold a Dr. Seuss birthday party by reading to children, giving them a book, a plush toy and a birthday bag of treats.
- Encourage reading by giving club members a bookmark at the beginning of the club year.
- Celebrate National Library Week April 23-29.
- Banned Books Week is the annual celebration of the freedom to read, September 18-24
- Host a 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten Challenge.
Ways to Support the Schools
Provide back-to-school supplies (Most schools have lists of required supplies.)
Ask school librarians what they need.
Or check on your school’s website.
Share teachers’ projects with club members.
Gather community support.
Sponsor a “Cool to be in School” Program to honor students who are doing well.
Donate equipment, playgrounds, classrooms, and monetary donations towards field trips, or school projects.
Connect with Affiliates
Epsilon Sigma Omicron is an honorary educational society open to all per-capita dues paying GFWC members. ESO provides clubwomen with a structured reading program that is educational and stimulates a desire for self-improvement.
There are several ways to support ESO activities and membership within your club, including:
Establish reading groups for study and discussion
Sponsor a book-signing event
Work with your local library or book store in reading to children events
“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.”
– Albert Einstein
Join a Club Near You
Reach out to our membership chairman for help finding a club near you.
For general inquiries, contact Headquarters below or the Chairman of a specific program or advancement area.
1301 Allegheny Street, Suite 119
Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
T: 814-317-6489
[email protected]